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Alexander on Democrats’ Public Option Plan: “Democrats are Trying to Cure the Obamacare Disease Using the Same Prescription that Created the Problem”

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 15, 2016 – U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today released the following statement on Senate Democrats’ resolution in support of a “public option,” meaning a government-run health care plan:

"The Democrats are trying to cure the Obamacare disease using the same prescription that created the problem in the first place. Obamacare exchanges are collapsing because of federal mandates and a lack of flexibility for states and choices for families. The right prescription is not more of what caused the disease. Instead, in the short term, we need to give states flexibility so Americans can use their subsidies to buy insurance in 2017 not available on the Obamacare exchanges. And long term, we need to repeal and replace Obamacare and give states more flexibility and individuals more choices so more Americans can buy low-cost insurance."

Alexander led a group of eight senators yesterday in introducing one-year, emergency legislation that would give states the authority to allow Americans who rely on Obamacare subsidies to have more options to buy health insurance unavailable on the failing Obamacare exchanges, and waive any penalty if they do not find a plan that suits their or their family’s needs.


For access to this release and Chairman Alexander’s other statements, click here