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Alexander Statement on 2013 Medicare Trustees Report

Says Medicare is “just 13 years from being unable to pay all of the hospital bills of those Americans counting on it”

“It would be a colossal failure of leadership if the president does not take advantage of Republican and Democratic solutions to rescue seniors from the tragedy of a bankrupt Medicare program, such as the proposal Senator Corker and I have made.” –Lamar Alexander

Washington, D.C., May 31 –U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, today released the following statement about this year’s Medicare and Social Security Trustees’ reports:

"Millions of Americans are counting the days until they are eligible for Medicare and today's report tells us that Medicare is just 13 years from being unable to pay all of the hospital bills of those Americans counting on it. It would be a colossal failure of leadership if the president does not take advantage of Republican and Democratic solutions to rescue seniors from the tragedy of a bankrupt Medicare program, such as the proposal Senator Corker and I have made."

Sens. Alexander and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) this year introduced the Fiscal Sustainability Act, S.11, to reduce the growth of entitlement spending (Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security) by nearly $1 trillion in order to improve the programs’ solvency.

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