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BOSTON, MA- Senators Edward M. Kennedy and John F. Kerry today announced $23 million in federal funds will be made available for child care services in Massachusetts from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

“During this economic crisis, it’s essential to provide needed assistance to families struggling to maintain their jobs and care for their children,” said Senator Kennedy. “This assistance is an important boost for families and child care services throughout our Commonwealth.”

“This investment will give working parents the peace of mind that their children are being well cared for in a safe environment while they’re at work. I’m pleased that President Obama is providing these resources to help working families in Massachusetts,” said Senator Kerry. Nationally, the Recovery Act provided $2 billion for the Child Care and Development Fund to enable states across the country to support child care services for families whose children require care while parents are out working, seeking work, or receiving job training or education. States will use the funds to provide vouchers to families for child care, to provide care through contracts with child care centers, or, to invest in improvements in the quality of such care.

Recovery Act dollars will support a wide range of child care providers, including child care centers and home-based programs. For more information, please visit