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Murray: “It’s Shameful And Appalling That Secretary DeVos Is Considering Issuing A Rule Would Make It Harder For Students To Seek Justice”

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee released the following statement on the reports that Secretary DeVos is considering proposing a rule that would make it harder for survivors of campus sexual assault to seek justice and lessen the liability of colleges to act on reports of sexual harassment and assault. Last year, Secretary DeVos rescinded Obama Administration-era guidance that provided clear direction for schools on how to investigate sexual assault.


“It’s shameful and appalling that Secretary DeVos is still considering issuing a rule would make it harder for students to seek justice if they’ve been sexually assaulted on campus. When Secretary DeVos rescinded guidance last year and left students, survivors, and schools without clarity, survivors spoke to Secretary DeVos and urged her to not allow campus sexual assault be swept under the rug once again. It’s high time Secretary DeVos listen to them, abandon this plan, and start taking meaningful steps to address our nation’s campus sexual assault crisis.”

