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Murray: Latest GOP Repeal Proposal Undermines Health Care, Weakens Protections, Raises Costs

Murray: “Republicans are once again trying to bring Trumpcare back from the dead with a harmful repeal proposal that would undermine health care for patients.”


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, issued the following statement on an extreme new right-wing proposal from Republicans that would undermine health care for patients, gut patient protections, and send health care costs skyrocketing. This proposal recycles the worst elements of the repeal proposals that failed in Congress last year.


“Republicans are once again trying to bring Trumpcare back from the dead with a harmful repeal proposal that would undermine health care for patients. This is yet another partisan proposal that would give the reins back to insurance companies while doing nothing for families across the country, instead it would further undermine health care for patients, gut patient protections, and send health care costs skyrocketing.


“While Republicans continue to champion harmful ideas to undermine and sabotage patients’ health care, Democrats are working on solutions to help lower costs and address the damage President Trump and Republicans have done. Whenever Republicans are finally ready to put patients ahead of special interests, they will find Democrats are still at the table and ready to work together on bipartisan solutions to lower health costs for families across the country.”

