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Murray Puts GOP on Notice: On Trumpcare, What You Vote For is What You Own

Republicans try to gain support for teetering Trumpcare by promising future “phases” and a “three-pronged approach,” Murray makes clear the time to back away from Trumpcare is now


Republican Senators have already trashed GOP’s three-pronged approach as “political spin” and “the sucker’s bucket


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray issued the following statement on efforts by President Trump and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to build support for Trumpcare by promising future health care legislation that would never actually happen.


“As members of the Republican Party have said themselves, there is no three-pronged approach—only desperate attempts to build support for a law that will kick tens of millions of people off of coverage, target seniors for higher health care costs, spike premiums, cut off access to Planned Parenthood, and end Medicaid as we know it. If Republicans truly want to avoid the chaos and dysfunction Trumpcare will cause, they should step back from the precipice now—because Democrats aren’t tossing them a rope once they’ve gone over the edge. I’m sending a very clear message to my Republican colleagues: if you vote for the disaster that is Trumpcare, you own it and all the harm it will do—and families across the country will hold you accountable.”

