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Murray: “This Botched Cover-Up of Evidence Proving President Trump’s Policies Help Businesses Steal Billions From Workers Shows Exactly What President Trump Truly Cares About”

News reports reveal the Trump Administration covered up its own data showing its proposed tip rule change would allow employers to steal potentially billions from workers


Women make up two-thirds of tipped wage workers nationwide, and would be particularly hard-hit by this rule


Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee released the following statement on reports that the Department of Labor covered up its own data showing its tip rule change would allow employers to steal potentially billions of dollars in tips from their workers.


“This botched cover-up of evidence proving President Trump’s policies help businesses steal billions from workers shows exactly what President Trump truly cares about: helping those at the top squeeze every last penny from families trying as hard as they can to get ahead. Now that their real priorities have been exposed, President Trump should tell Secretary Acosta to abandon this effort immediately.”


In December 2017, the Trump Administration proposed rescinding an Obama Administration rule that prohibits employers from taking employees’ tips, which would allow employers to distribute tips between all employees or even to keep these tips for themselves. Senator Murray blasted the move initially, and asked the Department for any analyses or data related to tips or this tip rule—which this data would have fallen under. The Department never responded to Senator Murray’s request.  

