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Ranking Member Cassidy Releases White Paper on Artificial Intelligence

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA), ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, released a white paper on artificial intelligence (AI) and the technology’s potential benefits and risks to society. Additionally, Cassidy requested feedback from stakeholders on the role of government in regulating the AI industry and how to ensure AI technology is designed, developed, and deployed in a responsible manner that protects Americans’ rights and safety. 

Cassidy hopes to use the feedback to better understand the effects of AI and how potential legislation and regulation could impact the creation and utilization of this technology.  

“As the U.S. Senate begins to consider legislation to address AI, we must account for the specific context in which AI’s capabilities are applied,” wrote Dr. Cassidy. “A sweeping, one-size-fits-all approach for regulating AI will not work and will stifle, not foster, innovation.”  

“...[W]e must adapt our current frameworks to leverage the benefits and mitigate the risks of how AI is applied to achieve current goals. And only if our current frameworks are unable to accommodate continually changing AI, should Congress look to create new ones or modernize existing ones,” continued Dr. Cassidy. “As Ranking Member of the Senate [HELP] Committee, I’m focused on making sure that we strike the right balance for Americans from the earliest stages of developing new products through deployment of an AI system or solution solving complex problems.” 

Specifically, the white paper examines AI’s potential to: 

  • Support research and development of new medicines. 
  • Enhance detection and treatment of current and emerging diseases. 
  • Relieve workload of health care providers. 
  • Secure Americans’ health data privacy. 
  • Ensure children’s access to quality education and supplemental services like tutoring. 
  • Impact curriculum in a manner that supports, not replaces learning.  
  • Strengthen Americans’ job security and safety in the workplace. 

Cassidy requests that all feedback be submitted by Friday, September 22.  


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